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Death valley                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              v Summary of your request
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  Number of pictures 620
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Las Vegas :
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San Francisco : san fransisco california lombard street
san fransisco california [..]
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San Francisco : !!!! CONGRATULATIONS GIANTS !!!! They actually won the world series for the first time since moving to San Francisco. While the game was over, no need to check result on tv, San Francisco became an honking city http://sanfrancisco.giants.mlb.com
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Yosemite :
"Yuck, these fish stink!"[..]
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Rockport : Lobsters traps awaiting yet another dive, with plenty of precious fella to be caught. Those are the New England colors and these are one of kind, as far as local sea food is concerned!
Lobsters traps awaiting y[..]
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San Francisco : union square' ice riking, chrismas time at San Francisco
union square' ice riking,[..]
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Pebble Beach : Elk
Elk "taking care" of golg[..]
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Las Vegas : -
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New York : New York show
New York show[..]
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San Francisco : amazing for us from france, flu shot walk-in at walgreens
amazing for us from franc[..]
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San Francisco : air balloon. Enjoy San francisco, smoothly, from the sky.
air balloon. Enjoy San fr[..]
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San Francisco : jack o lantern
jack o lantern[..]
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New York : US Airway's A320 aircraft recovered from his ditching in Hudson river on 15 january 2009 after presumably a dual bird strike, following it take off from La Guardia airport (LGA) in New York. The plane was then put on a barge at battery park. There was no fatality in the crash, which is an achievement, mostly due to the crash by itself, but also due to the fact that the plane was forced to ditch in cold/almost freezed water. Captain’ Chesley B. Sullenberger (58 and nicknamed
US Airway's A320 aircraft[..]
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San Francisco : baker at work behind the glass of BOUDIN bakery (fisherman's wharf)
baker at work behind the [..]
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San Francisco : To walk in the nude is not unsual in the iconic Castro neighbourhodd, nested between Twin Peaks and Market Street...
To walk in the nude is no[..]
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San Francisco : It's not a race, it's a zoo! Lot of fun during the world famous Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco ... Centipede, flying tortillas, nudity, costumes, infamous slope on Hayes before the painted ladies, then Golden Gate Park all the way down to the breakers, to finally enjoy a chilly swim in the Pacific. Count me in next year B2B!
It's not a race, it's a z[..]
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 USA Pictures - Picturing AMERICA - Guyzoline contact@usa-pictures.com